Wednesday, April 23, 2014

June 13, 1943

From: George Gleasure, Co. E, 12th Infantry, 4th Motorized Division, Fort Dix, NJ
To: Frank Gleasure, 56 Gardner Street, Allston, Mass (Boston)

Dear Pa:-

Just a short note to let you know that I received the magazines and all letters to date and that so far everything is okay.

We are starting out on a 125 mile hike soon so I dont think we will feel very good after that, we just got in from one that was 40 miles and you should have seen some of the fort here. A lot of the gang staggered in like drunks but it didnt effect me too much so it looks like Im getting tough. I got a letter from Madeline yesterday and she says that she would like to come home for a visit but is afraid her husband would be shipped out while she is here. Well this is about all from here so will close till I hear from you again.


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